Exotic chemical bonds
Actinide-actinide bonds in fullerenes
Actinide–actinide bonds are very rare. So far the An–An bonds have been only described in a gas-phase U2 and (indirectly) Th2 diatomics, and in the interior of endohedral fullerenes, where a strong metal-cage interaction keeps the two actinide atoms at distances where An–An bonds are formed. In 2015, we predicted actinide-actinide bonding in U2@Ih(7)-C80, coined unwilling bonding (Foroutan-Nejad, 2015). This molecule was later confirmed experimentally (Zhang, 2018). In 2020, we searched for actinide-actinide bonding in An2@D5h(1)-C70, An2@Ih(7)-C80, and An2@D5h(1)-C90 (An=Ac-Cm) series of endohedral metallofullerenes (EMFs). We showed that most of the studied An2@C70 and An2@C80 systems feature one or more one-electron two-center actinide-actinide bonds, in particular in Th and Pa EMFs (Jaroš, 2020). Notably, Th2@C80 predicted therein was later characterized experimentally (Zhuang, 2021). However, our benchmark study for theoretical predictions of actinide-actinide bonding revealed, that the DFT BP86-predicted bonding is overestimated (Jaroš, 2023). High-level ab initio calculations confirmed bonding in Th and Pa systems and in U2@C60, but only minor interaction was found in U2@C80 and heavy-actinide (Np, Pu, Am, Cm) compounds.
Fullerene molecular crystal
An interesting example of exotic bonding in the endohedral fullerenes is molecular crystal F2-@C60+. In collaboration with G. Frenking (University of Marburg), C. Foroutan-Nejad (Polish Academy of Sciences), and I. Fernandez (Universidad Complutense of Madrid) we have predicted that F2 molecule enclosed in C60 oxidizes the fullerene cage and stabilizes itself as F2- ion (Foroutan-Nejad, 2018). Notably, the interaction between F2- and C60+ is predicted to be of purely electrostatic nature, making this molecule a single-molecule crystal. Additionally, F2-@C60+ is a rare example of an endohedral fullerene, where the enclosed moiety is negatively charged while the fullerene is oxidized.
Charge-depletion bonding inside fullerenes